Read this if you're thinking about quitting


Have you ever wanted to just give up on your photography business all together?

Have you ever felt like there was no point in continuing on, because best case scenario, maybe you’ll make enough to pay for the camera, but there’s no chance you can make this a profitable business?

Have you ever looked around and felt like EVERYONE else seems to be booking their dream clients, filling their bank accounts, and traveling all over, but things are just different for you… you can’t even seem to book more than one or two clients in a month, let alone travel to an entirely different state and make money?

Do you ever wonder if maybe this whole photography thing is just for the select few, and you aren’t lucky enough to be one of them?

I write all of that from a place of deep personal knowing, because I felt every one of those things.

If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to completely give up on my photography business the first couple years, I would have a string of Grand Prix horses and spend my winters showing in Florida.

I constantly had this feeling like everybody else was doing better than me. That maybe I just wasn’t meant to really have success in this.

That maybe, I wasn’t good enough to make money doing this.

So want to know how I went from almost giving up on all my dreams, to living my wildest dreams?

It’s simple really… not easy, but simple.

I changed what I believed was possible for myself and started acting in accordance with what those new beliefs were.

Instead of spending all my time believing I couldn’t make money doing this thing I dreamed of, I started spending my time asking myself “what would a person do who COULD become a 6-figure photographer?”

And then I started acting like HER.

I love a good metaphor, so if you’re struggling to bridge the gap between how believing in yourself can turn your dreams into a reality, keep reading…

Imagine you plant a seed.

Let’s call it an oak tree seed.

And for the first week, you take AMAZING care of this little seed.

You water it every day. You make sure it’s in a place with sunshine. You pick the weeds. You spend your time envisioning how amazing it’s going to be sitting under that beautiful oak tree one day. And how you’ll enjoy everything from that first tiny sprout, all the way up to when it’s the most amazing tree you’ve ever seen.

But after a week goes by, there’s no sprout…

There’s just a patch of dirt still.

There’s no evidence that the tree is ever going to come up from the ground and be the amazing thing you believed it could be when you first planted that seed.

So you start doubting…

Maybe you planted the wrong seed…

Or maybe that seed wasn’t a good one…

Or maybe you messed up the water or the location…

Or maybe you just were never meant to grow an oak tree…

So you give up on it.

You stop watering it.

You stop pulling the weeds.

You stop fertilizing it and making sure it’s taken care of.

You stop envisioning yourself sitting under that big beautiful oak tree.

You go back by a year later and say “hey it never grew, guess I was right to not believe in it…”

But the thing is…

The seed wasn’t the problem. 

Neither was the location.

Or the water.

The problem was you stopping believing in the possibility of that oak tree.

You started filling your mind with doubt instead of filling it with beautiful visions of the future and that’s what caused it not to grow.

If you would’ve kept believing it was going to be a big, beautiful oak tree that you would sit under every summer and enjoy the shade, you would’ve kept watering it and fertilizing it and pulling the weeds…

And it would’ve grown into that big, beautiful oak tree.

Your business is the same.

When you stop believing in the possibilities, and instead only believe all the doubt that fills your mind…

Then your belief that your business will amount to nothing will be correct.

The biggest shift I had in my business was changing my beliefs.

When I started focusing on growing myself, growing my mind, and questioning my beliefs, everything changed.

At first, I started to see tiny glimpses of hope that came with shifting my beliefs…

A new client, a top package booked, a repeat client, a post gaining a lot of traction on social media…

Then it turned into HUGE changes in the direction of my new beliefs…

A new business idea that added major recurring revenue, a huge client deal that not only made a lot of money, but got a lot of eyes on my work, clients coming in from left and right wanting to book sessions…

All because I changed what I believed what was possible and started acting in accordance with that.

I urge you today to sit down with a pen and a notebook & write down what you WANT to happen & start focusing all of your energy on that. Write your goals down, no matter how big or small they may be. Shift your attention from the “what if [insert worst case scenario] happens” to “what if [best case scenario happens]” and watch your world slowly start to change.



New to photography & want one place to learn all the essentials? Feeling lost & frustrated trying to grow your photography business? The Equine Photography Accelerator was designed just for you.