The Equine Photography Accelerator


The complete beginners guide to equine photography


 Designed for the photographer who’s ready to master all the basics of equine photography so they can capture stunning memories for their friends & clients



I left my soul-sucking corporate job on a whim and turned my $400 camera into a multiple 6-figure photography business. I am here to tell you: YOU CAN TOO!


So why does equine photography feel so completely overwhelming when you start out?

I remember showing up to my first photoshoot… completely drenched in a nervous sweat & wondering what the heck I just got myself into.

I scheduled it for 1PM because that was what worked for the client & I didn't know how lighting worked for photography yet 😅

I wondered around, in a silent panic, because I didn’t even know where to put my client for the first shot... 

I found a somewhat shady spot & prayed it would all work out. 

Those photos certainly did not turn out Pinterest-worthy, but it was my drive home from that shoot when I vowed to learn everything I needed to about equine photography so I would feel confident in my ability to take great photos of my clients.

The truth is, when you’re first trying to piece together how to use your camera, figure out why the light matters so much, pose a person next to a 1000 pound flight animal that you’re trying to convince to stand still, it’s ok to feel overwhelmed at first.

I know I certainly did.

But imagine this instead:

You show up to a photoshoot…

You feel excited, energized, and ready to capture magic.

You’ve already spotted 4 locations on your way in that you can’t wait to capture your girl & her horse at.

The sun is soft and the golden hour glow is giving you all.the.feels. 😍

Your client paid their $1500 invoice and your bank account is thriving. 💰

You can’t wait to get home after the shoot, upload the photos you just took, & edit the sneak peek you’re dying to share with the amazing client you feel so grateful you got to work with.

That might sound like a cute little story, but it can be your reality.

If you’re currently feeling like…

  • There’s just too much to learn in order to become a successful equine photographer
  • You aren’t consistently getting better and improving your photography skills
  • You aren’t booking any clients or are even struggling to book free shoots
  • You just aren’t meant to make the big bucks as an equine photographer
  • The market is too saturated for you to claim your stake


  • Helpless, like maybe you should just throw in the towel & give up all together
If any of those sound like you, keep reading because I have some really good news for you… *cue excited dance moves* 💃

You don’t need divine intervention or to find a new dream career...

You just need to learn the key pieces of equine photography from someone who’s walked the path ahead of you (and trimmed all the trees and thorny branches so you can just enjoy the stroll).

My proven blueprint for taking your photography from amateur work that isn’t bringing home the bacon, to professional quality images that have your ideal client showing up in your inbox with their checkbooks in hand is all inside The Equine Photography Accelerator.

Transform your work...


 The Equine Photography Accelerator

This 6-module training program is for equine photographers who are ready to learn all the fundamentals of equine photography so that they can launch their business & start generating revenue!

By the end of this program, you'll be able to...

Shoot confidently in the 4 types of Natural Light

In photography, lighting is everything. It defines your style & sets you apart from amateur work. Knowing how to use natural light can be the difference of your photo looking like a magazine cover instead of looking like your aunt Karen took the photo on her 20 year old camera.

Pose every client & horse so they look like a million bucks 

Posing is often the most stressful part about a photoshoot. If you make your clients feel super comfortable during their session and then deliver photos of them that make them feel like a supermodel, they’re going to rave about you to their friends & be your # 1 marketer.

Edit like a pro in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop

Taking beautiful photos is essential, but editing those images to make them POP is just as important. Don’t waste time editing and re-editing the same gallery 5 times, because you can't get the photos to look just right. Knowing how to get your final images to look exactly how you want saves you time & gives your portfolio a consistent aesthetic that will attract clients specifically to you.

Build your portfolio & market yourself to fill your calendar & bank account

You can have all the photography skills in the world, but if you don’t have lots of proof of your amazing work, you aren’t going to be able to book clients. Building your portfolio intentionally & knowing how to get it in front of the right eyes is going to be the difference between your photography being a cute little hobby & you being a 6-figure photography boss.

 But That's Not All...

The Equine Photography Accelerator is a 6 module training program designed for the photographer who’s driven to create a profitable, sustainable, and exciting business that let’s them have the freedom to live life on their terms.

What can you expect from The Equine Photography Accelerator?

Here's What You'll Learn...

Module One:

Equine Photographer Essentials

During week one, we'll dive into all the essentials of starting your equine photography off on the right foot. You'll learn how to master your camera settings and what equipment you actually need. We'll go through the mistakes I made at the start of my career so you can avoid them and get right to the good stuff.

You'll learn:

  • How to finally master camera settings (and what ones actually matter!)
  • What equipment is essential for the pro equine photographer
  • How to look at everything like a pro photographer
Module Two:

Playing with the Sun: How to Use Natural Light

Lighting in photography is E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. ☀️ How you light your images defines your style, sets you apart, & can either make your work look like it should be the cover of a magazine or like you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.

You'll learn:

  • What the four types of Natural Light are
  • How to shoot in each type of natural light
  • How to get a ton of lighting variety in your images at every shoot
Module Three:

Posing your Subjects

Posing is probably the most stressful part about a photoshoot – spending an hour or more telling someone what to do, how to stand, & where to look can be intimidating when you don't know what you're looking for. At the end of every session, you want your clients saying how much fun they had, not how stressful standing around wondering what to do with their hands for an hour was (*insert Ricky Bobby GIF*).

You'll learn:

  • How to pose horses so they look like a million bucks & why it's about so much more than just getting their ears forward
  • My posing principles so you can pose anyone who stands in front of your camera effortlessly
  • How to hype your clients up and get them comfortable in front of your lens
  • What to do when you're stumped & need to reset your "posing brain"
Module Four:

Editing in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop

Having professionally edited images is what's going to set your work apart and make you stand out from the amateur crowd. Master your editing style for an aesthetically cohesive portfolio & attract clients who fit your vibe.

You'll learn:

  • The basics of editing inside Lightroom 
  • My formula for consistent work among inconsistent locations & lighting
  • The basics of editing inside Photoshop 
Module Five:

How to Build Your Portfolio

You can have all the skills in the world, but if you don’t have lots of proof of your amazing work, you aren’t going to be able to book clients. Before you can start making the big bucks in equine photography, you need to have a body of work that shows what kind of results your clients can expect from you.

You'll learn:

  • How to set up free shoots (aka personal work aka styled shoots) with intention 
  • How to utilize your content from these shoots to start building your brand 
  • The long-term approach to building loyal clients
Module Six:

Marketing 101 

The saying “if you build it, they will come” is just not true. You have to build it and then announce it to the world over and over and over again before they want to buy. In this training, we'll talk about how to market yourself, grow your social media account, & winning in the long run. 

You'll learn:

  • How & why building a social media following can make or break your business
  • Who your best marketer is
  • How to get your first (or next) paying client

Get INSTANT ACCESS when you enroll today...

BONUS trainings only available inside The Equine Photography Accelerator!


Master Pricing & Your Money Mindset

In this 60+ minute training video, you'll learn how to go about pricing your photography services & how your mindset around money is impacting your sales.

($197 VALUE) Included with The Equine Photography Accelerator!


Working with Brands

In this video training, you'll learn exactly how to start working with equestrian brands to add revenue in your business! I cover how I go about attracting the right brands, book the shoots, find models, and so much more inside this 45 minute video training!

($197 VALUE) Included with The Equine Photography Accelerator!


Shadow a Photoshoot with Me

In this video, you'll shadow an entire photoshoot with me. You'll see how I pose and interact with my client and her horse and see the images that were taken as we go through the shoot! We'll photograph my subject and her horse on the ground, my subject alone without her horse, and my subjected mounted on her horse.

($297 VALUE)  Included with The Equine Photography Accelerator!


Crafting Your Perfect Session Guide

What do you do when an email pops in your inbox with an inquiry for a session? Do you scramble to put a price and some info together for them?

You need to have a beautifully crafted Session Guide to send to them. In this bonus video training I teach you how to craft a beautiful & informative Session Guide to send out to potential clients so that you can spend less time answering questions and book more sessions! 

($297 VALUE)  Included with The Equine Photography Accelerator!

Get Started Today

Choose the plan that's right for you:

Best Value


One Payment

Save over 20% when you pay in full today! (BEST VALUE) PLUS get the Equine Videography Masterclass FREE!


Most Flexible


6 Monthly Payments

Pay only $107 today! Then just 5 more payments of $107.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee 

The Equine Photography Accelerator comes with a money-back guarantee. We strive for 100% client satisfaction and stand behind every course and program we create. At the end of the program, if you watch all the trainings, completed the homework assignments, & still don't feel like your photography skills have improved, email us your honest feedback to be eligible for a 100% refund.

This program is for you if...
  • You are overwhelmed by trying to learn equine photography on your own
  • You aren’t consistently getting better and improving your photography skills
  • You aren’t booking any clients or are even struggling to book free shoots
  • You're ready to take your equine photography seriously so you can finally generate revenue & create your dream job


This program is not for you if...
  • You aren't ready to commit to bettering your photography skills & growing your business
  • You are extremely confident in posing your clients & use of natural light
  • You are satisfied with the results you're getting at every shoot
  • Your calendar is as full as you want it to be  
Next steps!

How It All Works

Step 1
Enroll In The Equine Photography Accelerator

Click the enroll now button and complete the checkout process. In minutes, you'll get an email with next steps and your login credentials!

Step 2
Watch each video at your own pace

This course is self-paced and you will have instant access to all material once you enroll. You can go through each module consecutively or dive into each topic as you need it!

Step 3
Put it into action

Learning new skills is essential to your growth as a photographer, but no matter how much you learn on paper, if you don't put it into practice, you won't improve! As you go through the course, practice each new skill you learn!

Still on the fence?

Read What a Few of Our Students Had to Say:

Got Questions? Ask Away!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started Today

Choose the plan that's right for you:

Best Value


One Payment

Save over 20% when you pay in full today! (BEST VALUE) PLUS get the Equine Videography Masterclass FREE!


Most Flexible


6 Monthly Payments

Pay only $107 today! Then just 5 more payments of $107.